Quicksand and the Jag, as Written by Brian
Unbelievable Dialogue...
“Well, would you look at that, Joe. I think I’ve walked into some quicksand.”
“By golly, I think you’re right”, Joe exclaimed. “You seem to be sinking pretty fast too.”
“Do you think you could find something to help me out of this, buddy?”
“If you remember Steve, my shoulder was dislocated last week and the doctor said that I shouldn’t lift
anything heavy? I really don’t think it’s a good idea to risk damaging it, do you?”
“I suppose you're right”, Steve said disappointingly. “We wouldn’t want you to hurt that again.”
“Hey, before you lose the use of your arms, do you think you could toss me the keys to your Jag, since
you won’t be needing it anymore?”
“Of course, Joe. Good thinking.”
“Thanks, Steve. You were a good friend, but I think I’m going to go now. This place is kind of dangerous.
Thanks for the Jag!”
“Absolutely, I’m so glad you thought of it. Have a good day, Joe!”
“Thanks, Steve. You too!”
More believable dialogue...
“Holy crap, Joe!” Steve exclaimed sharply. “I just stepped in some quicksand!”
“Don’t move, Steve!” Let me find something to pull you out with.
“Hurry! I’m sinking fast!”
Joe pulled out his machete and began chopping furiously on a long nearby vine. Within a few seconds he
had it cut free and stretched out an end to Steve, who was already up to his armpits in the sand.
“I’ve got it, Joe. Pull, pull!
“I’ve got you, Steve! Don’t give up! You’re almost there!”
“Holy shit that was close. Thanks for saving my life! I totally owe you one.”
“Yeah, no problem, man. Hey, you know, that nice new Jag of yours would be a great way to pay me back.”